New Roundabout at Beckett Ridge Blvd and LeSourdsville-West Chester Rd


On September 14, 2020, a virtual meeting was held with your West Chester Township Trustees and Staff and the Butler County Engineers Office (BCEO). In the meeting we reviewed a) 2020 Road Projects, and b) 2021 Planned Road Improvements.

Earlier this year I wrote an article titled ‘West Chester 2020 Summer Road Projects’ where I shared information on 1) the new roundabout at Beckett Ridge Blvd and LeSourdsville-West Chester Rd, 2) the Beckett Road resurfacing, drainage improvements and modifying the crosswalk at Beckett Ridge Blvd, 3) the Tylersville Road widening project with additional westbound lanes and 4) the Union Centre Blvd DDI Interchange improvement. These have all been completed and are reported below.

As a reminder, not all the roads in West Chester are the townships responsibility – there are County, State and Federal roads. This is important because in addition to the money West Chester Township is investing in our roads, the County and State are also investing in the roads that they’re responsible for! West Chester road maintenance is funded by property tax. The tax rate is 0.79 mills, or $24.19 per $100,000 valuation per year. To find out exactly what you pay for our roads per year, go to the Butler County Auditor website and look up your home value. If your home value is $200,000, then the portion of your property tax that goes to roads is $48.38. Not bad for great roads!

Setting Beams for New Bridge on Hamilton-Mason Rd

In addition to this funding, West Chester transfers another $1.5 million from the General Fund every year to support road maintenance (started in 2009).

Cincinnati Dayton Rd Improvement Olde West Chester Complete

The projects are listed first by road or road segments, second by the funding source and responsible jurisdiction, third the status and completed / estimated cost. Abbreviations that are used are LPA, TIF, ODOT and OPWC.  LPA stands for Local Public Agencies, TIF is Tax Increment Financing, ODOT is Ohio Department of Transportation, and OPWC is Ohio Public Works Commission.

2020 Road Projects

  • Beckett Rd. (road & drainage improvement). Funding: West Chester Twp TIF. Cost: $1,407,770.
  • But-War Rd @ Liberty Way, Intersection improvement, Add EB left turn lanes and NB left turn lanes, Funding: OPWC, LPA. Cost $1,052,005. IN PROCESS.
  • Cincinnati-Dayton Rd. — West Chester Rd. to 1-75. Funding: Federal & West Chester. Cost $7,874,970.
  • Cincinnati-Dayton Rd. culvert #9.561 emergency repair, mill and overlay. Funding: BCEO. Cost $35,625. COMPLETE.
  • Hamilton Mason Rd, Bridge Replacement #7.491 over Gregory Creek. Funding: State OPWC and Local. Cost $1,774,350. IN PROCESS.
  • Lesourdsville-WC Rd. @ Beckett Ridge Blvd – Roundabout. Funding: Federal & BCEO. Cost $1,393,631.
  • Tylersville Rd, 1-75 to Cox Rd – Phase 2 Widening, Construct additional WB lane. Re-stripe bridge over I-75 to include additional EB lane. Funding: BCEO. Cost $3,065,4931. COMPLETE.
  • Tylersville Road Turn Lane Improvement at Chantilly Complete

    Tylersville Rd. & I-75 Bridge Interchange (concrete bridge overlay) Funding: ODOT. IN PROCESS.

  • Tylersville Rd. @ Chantilly Dr. (left turn lane). Funding: Federal & BCEO. Cost $377,414.
  • UCB Interchange (DDI) Funding: West Chester TIF. Cost $19,998,662. COMPLETE with minor items to finish.

2021 – 2023 Scheduled Road Projects

  • 2021 – Pave Tylersville (Cox — Butler Warren).
  • 2021 – Butler Warren Rd. @ Barret Rd. Roundabout (City of Mason). Road closure necessary. Est cost: $1,440,000. Funding: Fed, BCEO, City of Mason
  • 2021 – Butler Warren Rd. @ West Chester & Socialville-Foster Rds. Roundabout, intersection improvement & realignment. Project in conjunction w/ Warren Co. Est cost: $1,714,000
  • 2021/2022 – SR129/Liberty Way Interchange Modification w/ Roundabout. Estimated Cost $24,000,000. Funding: Fed, State & BCEO.
  • 2022 – CRESCENTVILLE RD – Ohio 747 to I-75 overpass Roadway improvement – widen to 3 lanes (addition of center turn lane), drainage improvements. Est. cost: $5,143,000. Funding: Fed, City of Springdale, City of Sharonville, BCEO
  • 2022 – HAMILTON MASON RD AT MAUD HUGHES RD. Hamilton Mason Corridor Improvement – Phase 2. Intersection improvement – adding turn lanes and traffic signals          cost: $1,748,000. Funding: Fed, BCEO.
  • 2022 – SMITH ROAD MULTIUSE PATH. SR 747 to Beckett Road. East-West Connector Path cost: $543,000. Funding: Fed & West Chester TIF.
  • 2022 – LIBERTY WAY AT BUTLER WARREN RD. Roadway improvement – EB right drop(for ease of turn) on Liberty Way to Butler Warren. Est. cost: $250,000. Funding: BCEO
  • 2023 – LIBERTY WAY at Cox Road. Right drop. Est cost: $2,474,000. Funding: Fed, BCEO
  • 2023 – Tylersville Rd – Lakota Springs Dr to Lakota Hills Dr Roadway improvement – add dedicated left turn lanes and center turn lane. Road closure necessary. Est cost: $1,625,000. Funding: Fed, BCEO

West Chester Township is committed to continuously maintain and improve our local roads whether they be the township’s, county’s or state’s responsibility. Our close partnership with BCEO has proven to be a great saving for the taxpayers of West Chester! As we continue to mature, it is critical that we budget aggressively in order to improve as many road miles as possible each year. Doing so will help ensure that our community continues to be one of the ‘Best Places to Live in America’!