Articles about West Chester Township
My name is Mark Welch and I am one of your elected West Chester Township Trustees. Every other month or so I write a short article to update everyone on township events, meetings and significant decisions made by the Trustees.
I’ll start with a short personal introduction and then get into the articles below. I was born and raised in Cincinnati and lived my entire childhood life in Colerain Township. I went to the U.S. Naval Academy, have a degree in Chemical Engineering and spent about 23 years in corporate America in sales and sales management. I moved to Beckett Ridge in 1990 and still live in the same house. My wife Karen and I have two children, Lauren and Justin, and six grandchildren. Karen and I started Bajon Salon & Spa in March 2000 and moved to our new location, SoZo Hair, Spa & Wigs in 2014. I became re-interested in politics and first ran for Trustee in 2013. I started my first term in office on Jan 1, 2014, was reelected to a second term starting Jan 1, 2018 and am running for a third term on November 2, 2021.
The Governor’s Cup Growth Award and Future Commercial Development in West Chester
We all know that West Chester Township has developed into an amazing community over the years with a well-balanced approach to residential and commercial developments. The list of successes, awards and achievements are almost too many to mention, but I will mention...
What is Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and how are they used in West Chester?
There always seems to be confusion about TIF financing, i.e. how they’re created, how they’re used and what they can be used to pay for. This article answers those questions and explains how they’re used to improve our Township. Primarily, TIF investments are used for...
Lori’s Roadhouse in West Chester: Mark Welch, the Superstar of Politics
As I listened to Mark Welch speak at a special fundraiser preview event at the new honky-tonk in West Chester called Lori’s Roadhouse, I couldn’t help but think that government is good, at least in West Chester. When I say honky-tonk, I’m not talking about the old...
West Chester Revenue Sources – Where Does All the Money Come From?
Ever wonder where the money comes from to keep West Chester Township going? Ever wonder how much we bring in each year? Believe it or not these and many other questions can be answered with a few clicks of the mouse starting at www.WestChesterOH.org. For those who...
Olde West Chester Business Corridor Pocket Park
Later this month the new “pocket park” in the SE corner of the Cincinnati-Dayton and Station Roads intersection will be complete and it will be a center point, gathering place for businesses and residences in Olde West Chester. The pocket park has been part of the...
Vote for Mark Welch Shooting guns, Solving Problems and Making the World a Better Place
If West Chester wasn’t one of the best places in the world which demonstrates what small government looks like and how much prosperity can occur when proper management at the level of government is applied, I can’t imagine what it would be. West Chester, Ohio, has the...
A wonderful “historical” event will take place at the Muhlhauser Barn on Wednesday, September 29,2021. A collection of paintings created by Dr. Robert Kroeger will be on display representing Ohio’s historical barns – 88 to be exact. The event is called “A Tribute to...
Union Centre Boulevard DDI Landscape Project ‘The Icing on the Cake’
Over the last year or two I’ve written a few articles about the Union Centre Boulevard Divergent Diamond Interchange (DDI) improvement from initial township discussions, to funding, to construction and to completion. This will be my final article on the DDI because...
West Chester Summer Fun in 2021
On June 2, 2021 all medical mandates were lifted in Ohio, thus making the medical decrees voluntary and opening up summer for “fun in the sun”! West Chester Township, anticipating the reversal, planned summer events for the benefit and well-being of all residents who...
Voice of America Park and Museum History
In 1942, a month after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Crosley Corporation was commissioned by the federal government to engineer a radio installation powerful enough to reach a global audience. By 1944, the first Voice of America station capable of reaching out to...
Keehner Park – A Playground for All!
Keehner Park is the third largest park in West Chester Township with 123 acres. VOA is the largest with 435 acres (Metro Parks of Butler County) and Beckett Park is second with 150 acres. Many people, however, think Keehner Park is the most fun because of the...
West Chester Township’s Digital Presence
Just last month, West Chester Township introduced the 5th iteration of our township website at www.WestChesterOH.org. The new “corporate brochure” is more intuitive, easier to use and navigate than past websites. Literally, at your fingertips, is everything you want...
WC Township 2020 Census Results
2020 is the year that will primarily be remembered as the year of COVID-19, but many “business as usual” events and projects occurred, one of them being the 2020 Census. The 2020 Census counted every person living in the United States and five U.S. territories - once,...
West Chester Township 2021 Budget and Goals
The 2021 Operational Budget communicates West Chester's ongoing commitment to: a) Safety, b) Infrastructure, c) Fiscal responsibility, d) Quality of life, and e) Continues to prioritize West Chester's position as a leading-edge community and one of "America’s Best...
West Chester Township 2020 Year in Review
West Chester Township had a successful, but challenging year in 2020. The overshadowing of the pandemic put stress and additional cost on our Township, but we prevailed. The Board of Trustees conducted township business throughout 2020 with 24 Regular Meetings, two...
West Chester Township Earns Award With Distinction from Ohio Auditor
In a short ceremony held Wednesday, Sept. 23, at Township Hall, Ohio Auditor of State, Mr. Keith Faber presented West Chester Township officials with the 2020 Auditor of State Award with Distinction. This prestigious award recognizes West Chester Township with top...
Butler County Engineers & West Chester 2020 Fall Road Planning Session
On September 14, 2020, a virtual meeting was held with your West Chester Township Trustees and Staff and the Butler County Engineers Office (BCEO). In the meeting we reviewed a) 2020 Road Projects, and b) 2021 Planned Road Improvements. Earlier this year I...
West Chester Township Strategic Planning Initiative
A couple years ago West Chester Township completed our first ever Strategic Planning Session (SPS) that outlined a goal-based strategy for accomplishments in 2019 and 2020. For those of us who have gone through the FranklinCovey Personal Planning Training, you’ll...
West Chester Trustees Begin Process for November Safety Levies
At the June 26, 2020 West Chester Township Trustee Board Meeting, the Trustees began the official process of placing a 2mil Fire and 2mil Police levy on the November ballot. I’ll start by agreeing with you that “the timing is horrible” because of Covid-19, business...
West Chester 2020 Summer Road Projects
As we all know there are a number of big road projects in West Chester, two which require road closure and both of those directly impact Beckett Ridge! The first is Beckett Road along the bike path and roadway between the fire station and Beckett Ridge Blvd with...